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Software Engineering

System Analysis and Design, Software Development, System Architecture, Enterprise Applications, Software Testing, DevOps, Mobile Development, Geospatial Systems, Accessibility Compliance (508), and Agile and Iterative Development are the core elements of our software development approach. Our focus lies in crafting software solutions that align with mission-specific requirements, particularly in cases where commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications fall short of meeting customer needs.


We specialize in integrating systems to facilitate seamless data transfer across multiple platforms, guided by rules and events defined by the customer. These solutions are underpinned by a technical framework, which may either already exist or need creation or modification to ensure a flexible yet stable solution. Our goal is to cater to evolving needs across a variety of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. Throughout the implementation phase, we often adopt an iterative or Agile-like approach, prioritizing early and frequent product demonstrations to instill confidence in the customer that the final product aligns with expectations.


Deliverables from our development efforts include systems supported by comprehensive documentation. These systems enable smooth data transfer between multiple organizations and entities, with user-friendly interfaces designed to facilitate these transfers seamlessly.

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